Please be advised that this calculator is for estimating purposes only based on square footage. With smaller areas you must consider the width of the wall covering to determine how many "drops" or panels you will need. It is always recommended that a professional paper hanger calculate the yardage requirements. Odyssey Wallcoverings will not be held responsible for order quantity based on this calculator.

Wall covering is sold in Lineal Yards, but how do you figure out how many lineal yards you need when all you have is a trusty tape measure?
In order to better help you, Odyssey Wallcoverings has provided you with a handy Yardage Calculator to help you find out how much wall coverings you will need to order.
Know your wall height and total width? Click here to start using the yardage calculator!
If not, please read the following instructions to help you get a more acurate measurment.
How to calculate the total lineal yards needed of wall covering
In order to help find out the total lineal yards needed of wall covering for your project, we must first determine the total footage of the walls combined. The following diagram is an example of a wall covering project requiring 3 walls to be covered.
Step 1: Calculate the height of your walls

Measure the height of the walls in feet. Unless the surface contains different heights, this measurement only needs to be taken once. See diagram 1a.
Click here to enlarge
Step 2: Calculate the width of your walls
Starting with the first wall, measure the width of the wall from corner to corner. Repeat the process for the 2nd wall and the third. See diagram 1b.
Click here to enlarge
If the height of the walls are the same, combine the total width See diagram 1c:
Click here to enlarge
Step 3: Input the values into the calculator to receive the lineal yards required
Type in the height of the wall and total width of the walls into the calculator to receive the yards of wall coverings needed.
See diagram 2:
Click here to enlarge
Combine only the walls of the same height into the calculator at the same time. For the most accurate results, please consult a professional hanger to measure the wall height and total width.
Click here to start using the yardage calculator now!